Hashtagging...an idea that social media users know about, but barely know how to do. One of the easiest ways to group certain content in its relevant "categories", and a free, easy way for social media's version of "search optimization", hashtagging is signified by a "#" sign before the actual tag word. However, none of this matters if you don't know how to hashtag effectively. Below are three tips on how to get hashtags to work in your favor.
1. Think of the purpose of your post and think of the category it belongs in.
Before saying anything, it is important to understand that hashtags should not be used for no reason. The purpose of hashtagging is to allow your post to be found and organized through social media searches. If someone wants to search for baseball information they will search baseball relevant hashtags - when hashtagged properly, baseball related posts will be found. With that said, it's most important to think of the purpose of your post and choose a hashtag that fits in a particular category. If your post is geared toward "#beauty" then the appropriate hashtag would simply be "beauty" or even "#beautytips" (depending on the post). If you're posting on behalf of an organization, the most effective way to hashtag would be to hashtag the field in which the business is in, the name of the business, and whatever category the post fits in. For example, a post written on behalf of a PR firm would include a PR hashtag, a hashtag of the firm's name, and then a hashtag of the category in which the post fits. It is okay to use multiple hashtags in one post, just don't overwhelm the reader; meaning no more than 3 hashtags per post.
When using this method, it is important to think of keywords that you would use to search for the specific topic in which you're posting about. Chances are, the keywords you create will be the same ones someone else uses to search the topic.
2. Let "Trending Topics" guide you
If you're unsure of what to use, don't be afraid to reference Twitter's Trending Topics (new or old) and use them. Once again, make sure they fit the purpose(s) of your post and are relevant for those who happen to search the specific hashtag.
3. Make it sound cool!
It can go without saying, that people will read and search for things that sound cool. It's equally as important to create tags that are interesting and catchy...not complex, but catchy! Use keywords that you think can catch the attention of the post's targeted user and that is still relevant to the post itself.
By following these easy steps, your hashtag experience will be effectively used. Once mastering this, we can get on to more complex hashtag tips and ideas for both personal and professional use. In the meantime, what are your favorite hashtags? What was your first hashtag? Share it here. Leave comments, ask questions.